#238. Only.

 “Thing to remember is if we’re all alone, then we’re all together in that too.” – P.S. I love you

Realizing you’re not the only one.


#215. Love.

“Kiss me a question, ask me again with your eyes and I’ll answer with my fingers, trailing reasons down your spine. There’s a theory behind your knees, and a postulate in that sweet spot on your neck, and I’ll respond to your query with a smooch and a holler, roll you up against the sink and wash your hair, make love till the plates fall off the shelf.”
~ 420 Characters, Lou Bach


Making love to someone you love.

#212. Big.

“Remember this, boy. All dwarfs may be bastards, yet not all bastards need be dwarfs.” And with that he turned and sauntered back into the feast, whistling a tune. When he opened the door, the light from within threw his shadow clear across the yard, and for just a moment Tyrion Lannister stood tall as a king.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones


Being bigger than what others think we are.

#211. Nights.

“Even as a child, she had preferred night to day, had enjoyed sitting out in the yard after sunset, under the star-speckled sky listening to frogs and crickets. Darkness soothed. It softened the sharp edges of the world, toned down the too-harsh colors. With the coming of twilight, the sky seemed to recede; the universe expanded. The night was bigger than the day, and in its realm, life seemed to have more possibilities.” ― Dean Koontz, Midnight


The nights you have to yourself.

#210. Magic.

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.”
― Roald Dahl


BFG. Narnia. Harry Potter. Lord of the Rings. Inkheart. Inheritance. Game of Thrones.
How the magic never ends.